Peer reviewed papers
- Estudillo, A. J., & Wong, H. K. (2021) Associations between self-reported and objective face recognition abilities are only evident in above- and below-average recognisers. PeerJ.
- Estudillo, A. J., *Kar Wye Lee, J., Mennie, N. & Burns, E. (2020). No evidence of other–race effect for Chinese faces in Malaysian non–Chinese population. Applied Cognitive Psychology,
34, 270–276.
- Estudillo, A. J., Kaufmann, J, M., Bindemann, M, & Schweinberger, S, R. (2018). Multisensory stimulation modulates perceptual and postperceptual face representations: evidence from
Event-Related Potentials. Submitted to European Journal of Neuroscience, 48, 2259-2271.
- Estudillo, A. J., & Bindemann, M. (2017). A multi-sensory system for self-face learning. In M. Bindemann, & A. M. Megreya (Eds.). Face processing: systems, disorders and cultural
differences (pp. 241-254) New York: Nova Science Publisher.
- Montenegro, I. R., Álvarez-Montesinos, J.A., Estudillo, A.J., & García-Orza, J (2017). Estimulación eléctrica por corriente continua en el tratamiento de la afasia. Revista de
Neurología, 65, 553-562.
- Estudillo, A. J., (2017). Commentary: My face or yours? Event-related potential correlates of self-face processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 8,
- García-Orza, J., Estudillo, A. J., Rodriguez-Santos, J. M. & Calleja, M. (2017). Is place-value automatically processed in four-digit numbers? Yes, but not always. Psychonomic Bulletin
& Review.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2017). Can gaze-contingent mirror-feedback from unfamiliar faces alter self-recognition? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 944-958.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2016). Multisensory stimulation with other-race faces and the reduction of racial prejudice. Consciousness and
Cognition, 42, 325-339.
- Estudillo, A.J., Bermudo-Romero, E., Casado, N., Prasad-Jas, J. & García-Orza, J. (2015). Automaticity in subtractions depends on problem size. Annals of Psychology, 31(2), 697-704.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2014). Generalization across view in face memory and face matching. i-Perception, 5, 589-601.
- Estudillo, A. J. (2012). The involvement of working memory in mental arithmetic problem solving. Revista Chilena de Neuropsicología, 7(2), 43–47.
- Estudillo, A. J. (2012). Facial Memory: The role of the pre-existing knowledge in face processing and recognition. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 8(2), 231–244.
- García-Orza, J., Perea, M. & Estudillo, A. J. (2011). Masked transposition effects for simple versus complex nonalphanumeric objects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73,
Conferences and Symposiums
- Leong Qi Zheng, B., Ismail, A. M. H., & Estudillo, A. J. (2021). Individual Differences in Face Recognition: Prosopagnosia and Holistic Processing. Paper presented at Sunway University
Psychology Research Symposium.
- Estudillo, A. J., Lee, Ye Ji., Alvarez-Montesinos, J., & García-Orza, J. (2020). Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation enhances unfamiliar face matching performance of unaltered and
low-resolution images. Poster presented at Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) conference.
- Soh, M,. L., Garcí-Orza, J., Pasqualotto, A., Mennie, N., & Estudillo, A. J. (2020). The relation between linguistic factors and simple multiplication problem-solving. Poster presented at
Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) conference.
- Siew Kei, K., Keeble, D., & Estudillo, A. J. (2020). The Effect of Anodal and Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on the Recognition of Other-race Faces. Poster
presented at Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) conference.
- Kar Wye Lee, J., Janssen, S., & Estudillo, A. J. (2020). Chinese do not find their own face faster: Cultural modulation effects on the self-face advantage? Poster presented at
Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) conference.
- Leong Qi Zheng, B., Ismail, A. M. H., & Estudillo, A. J. (2020). Individual Differences in Face Recognition and Spatial Frequency. Poster presented at Experimental Psychology Society
(EPS) conference.
- Siew Kei, K., Keeble, D., & Estudillo, A. J. (2019). Investigating the functional role of occipital face area and fusiform face area using transcranial electrical stimulation. Paper
presented at the Malaysian Psychology Student Assembly (MAPSA) conference. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Kar Wye Lee, J. & Estudillo, A. J. (2019). How do we look at our face?. Paper presented at the Malaysian Psychology Student Assembly (MAPSA) conference. Universiti Kebangsaan
- Leong Qi Zheng, B., Tan Khang Cheng, A., Lai Jo-yin, S., Estudillo, A. J. (2019). Autistic Traits and Face Perception: An Eye-Tracking Study. Poster presented at the Malaysian Psychology
Student Assembly (MAPSA) conference. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Pandurangan, A., Estudillo, A. J., & Mennie, N. (2019). Influence of the back of the head on social attention. Poster presented at the Malaysian Psychology Student Assembly (MAPSA)
conference. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Ahmad, N. (2019). Features are important but so does the whole face. Paper presented at the Asian Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV). Osaka, Japan.
- Kar Wye Lee, J. & Estudillo, A. J. (2019). Exploring Visual Processing Strategies of Self-Face and Other-Face Recognition. Poster presented at the Asian Pacific Conference on Vision
(APCV). Osaka, Japan.
- Kar Wye Lee, J., Maisarah Mohd Don, A., & Estudillo, A. J. (2018). The CFMT-Chinese reveals no other race effect in Malaysian non-Chinese population. Paper presented at the Malaysian
Psychology Student Assembly (MAPSA) conference. University of Reading Malaysia.
- Chen, H. Y., Estudillo, A. J., & Mennie, N. (2018). An eye-tracking and pupillometry study into perception of distorted hands. Paper presented at the 57th Taiwanese Psychological
Association Annual Convention Conference, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan.
- Estudillo, A. J., Yeng, C., & Mennie, N. (2018). Two fixations suffice for familiar but not for unfamiliar face recognition. Paper presented at the Asian Pacific Conference on Vision
(APCV). Zhangzhou, China.
- Chen, H, Y., Estudillo, A. J., & Mennie, N. (2018) Is visual search different for faces, hands, and bodies?. Poster presented at the Asian Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV). Zhangzhou,
- Estudillo, A. J., Keeble, D., Stephen, I., Wong H. K. (2017) Lack of the other race effect in Malaysian-Chinese population. Poster presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception
(ECVP). Berlin, Germany.
- Estudillo, A. J., Anparasu, N., Akila- Rubaiya-Haque, P., & Mennie, N. (2017). Unfamiliar face identification requires more than two fixations. Poster presented at the European Society
for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) conference. Postdam, Germany.
- Estudillo, A. J. (2017). Face matching requires holistic processing: evidence from a gaze-contingent task. Paper presented at the Asian Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV). Tainan, Taiwan.
- Estudillo, A. J., Anparasu, N., Akila- Rubaiya-Haque, P., & Mennie, N. (2017). Investigating the number of fixations required for face recognition. Paper presented at the presented at
Malaysian International Psychology Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- García-Orza, J., Álvarez-Montesinos, J., Estudillo, A. J., Calleja, M., & Rodríguez, J, M. (2016). Automatic processing of number identity and place-value in multi-digit numbers. Paper
presented at the presented at 2nd joint conference of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) and of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX). Oxford, UK.
- Conesa, M., García-Orza, J., & Estudillo, A. J. (2016). A bias for local processing in parents of Autism Spectrum Disorder children. Poster presented at the International Meeting of the
Psychonomic Society. Granada, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2015). Focusing on isolated features does not improve face matching performance: evidence from a windows contingent paradigm. Poster presented at 11th
Person Perception Research Unit Workshop. Jena, Germany.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2014). Recognizing and matching unfamiliar faces. Paper presented at SEPEX-SEPNECA meeting. Murcia, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2014). Multisensory stimulation of the face affects personal preference but not racial prejudice. Poster presented at 37th European Conference on Visual
Perception. Belgrade, Serbia.
- García-Orza, J., Estudillo, A. J., Matas, A. & Sánchez‐Urbano, A. (2014). Looking for predictors of performance in single digit addition, subtraction and multiplication: evidence
from a one-year longitudinal study. Poster presented at Meeting of the Special Interest Group (SIG) 22 "Neuroscience and Education" of the European Association for Research on Learning and
Instruction (EARLI). Göttingen, Germany.
- Estudillo, A. J. & Bindemann, M. (2014). Multisensory stimulation of the face and its effect in racial prejudice. Poster presented at EPS meeting. Canterbury, Kent.
- García-Orza, J., Estudillo, A. J., Rodriguez-Santos, J. M. & Calleja, M. (2013). Automatic Processing of place value in four digit numbers depends on number complexity. Paper presented
18th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Budapest, Hungary.
- Estudillo, A. J. & MacKenzie, G. (2012). Familiarization to faces: the effects of depth of encoding on the creation of a view-point independent representation. Paper presented at
BAPS-SEPEX meeting. Liège, Belgium.
- Estudillo, A. J. & López-Molliner, J. (2012). Spatial and temporal errors in a timing task: Effects of effective and perceived velocity. Poster presented at BAPS-SEPEX meeting. Liège,
- Estudillo, A. J., García-Orza, J., & Damas-López, J. (2011). Are operands’ quantity representation automatically accessed during multiplication solving? Evidence from size congruity
effects? Poster presented at 17th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Donosti, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J. & García-Orza, J. (2011). Exploring the role of operands' magnitude representation in multiplication solving: evidence from the size congruity effect. Paper presented at
X International symposium of psycholinguistic. Donosti, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J., García-Orza, J., & Perea, M. (2011). Masked transposition effects for simple vs. complex non-alphanumeric objects. Poster presented at X International symposium of
psycholinguistic. Donosti, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J., Casado, N., & Bermudo, E. (2011). Automatism in subtraction depends on problem size. Poster presented at X International symposium of psycholinguistic. Donosti, Spain.
- Estudillo, A. J. & García-Orza, J. (2010). Size congruity effects on multiplication verification: Testing the role of magnitude representation. Poster presented at 1st joint conference of
the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) and of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX). Granada, Spain.
- Estudillo, A.J. & García-Orza, J. (2009). Estudiando el curso temporal de la activación fonológica de los números arábigos [Studying the Time of the Phonologic Activation in Arabic
Numbers]. Paper presented at IX Simposio de Psicolingüística. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Estudillo, A.J. & García-Orza, J. (2009). El Procesamiento de Homógrafos Interlinguales: Datos de Una Simulación Computacional [Processing Interlinguals Homographs: a Connectionist
Simulation] poster presented at XI Congreso de Metodología en las Ciencias del Comportamiento. Málaga, Spain.
- García-Orza, J. & Estudillo A.J. (2009). Arabic digit number´s phonology is activated fast. Paper presented at XVI meeting of the European society for cognitive psychology. Krakow,
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