Our new paper Associations between self-reported and objective face recognition abilities are only evident in above- and below-average recognisers is now published in PeerJ. In that paper, we explore insights into face recognition abilities using the Mandarin version of the Prosopagnosia Index 20 (PI-20) and the Cambridge Face Memory Test Chinese (CFMT-Chinese). Previous studies using the PI-20 have shown that observers have moderate to strong insights into their face recognition abilities. In our study we investigated whether these insights are equivalent for the whole range of face recognition abilities. In contrast to other studies, we categorized observers in four quartiles according following their score in the CFMT-Chinese. Our results showed a moderate negative association between the PI-20 and the CFMT-Chinese. However, this association was driven by people with low and high face recognition ability, but absent in people within the typical range of face recognition performance.